Container Home Design Tutorials – Tutorial 2 of 15

How an ISO Container is Manufactured

2 of 15 Shipping Container Home Tutorials brought to you by

There are download links below for the supporting resources referred to in Tutorial 2.

Tutorial 2 Supporting Resources

Download Tutorial 2 as a Podcast – download it to your IPOD or MP3 player.

PDF’s and links mentioned in the presentation

Bamboo Grove

This is the link to the site that used the refrigerated containers in the image shown in the video, it’s also featured in our free digital book.

Whilst we don’t recommend the use of insulated containers this is a very nice looking project and worthy of review.

Reefer containers are typically sheet and post with foam behind them.  Aluminum outer skin and either Aluminum or Stainless inner skin.  75-100 mm (3-4″) of foam.

Corrugated Web Beam

This link is not highly relevant to our ISBU discussion.

Link is included as a courtesy to the web beam manufacturer image used in video.

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